Grey Walls Kill Sex and Other Myths

Just the color of the room can play a huge role in how we feel and act. Paint the walls blue, and studies show you may be more creative. Paint them red, and you may be more vigilant or more sexy. Change to green to calm yourself down. But if you really want something off […]

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Reaching Out and Geeking Out

Dragon*Con is now just over three weeks away and the schedule is as solid as these things get, so I’m giving you the highlights as promised. I will be one BUSY Skeptic! [Edit: By the way, Dragon*Con will take place over Labor Day weekend, September 3rd through 6th.] For those who have not heard of […]

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The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine [NCCAM] Scam

Since health care reform has been in the news lately (wonder why?) and NCCAM has been popping up on the blogosphere, I thought it might be a good time to repost this one. Originally posted on February 16, 2009 NCCAM = National Scam Reading the blogs of others I have noticed that one entry often […]

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While I Was Sleeping

In the weeks since I stopped posting regularly and while I was reconstructing last year’s posts, a lot of interesting things have happened.

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