Jesus Update: He Shops at Ikea. and Walmart.

Today the Huff Post Weird News section reports that a man in Glasgow, Scotland has seen the face of God (the savior, to be precise) in a bathroom door. Of an Ikea. My last report on sightings of Our Lord and Savior was about 7 months ago, so I thought it was time for an […]

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“A Year Without God” is Crowdfunding

Over a year ago, a man named Ryan Bell announced to the world that he was going to spend a year exploring life without God. A former pastor with wavering faith, he consciously chose to act as if there is no god and to record and share his experiences. My first thought when I read […]

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Jesus Here, Jesus There, Jesus, Jesus Everywhere

Those who read this blog in its early days know of my love for all things pareidolia. If you don’t know what pareidolia is, that last link (this one) covers the definition. I have also written an classroom ‘module’ for the JREF on the topic. It can be downloaded for free here (the pdf is […]

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On Skepticism: Its Definitions and Scope

Several people have asked me if I plan to respond to PZ Myers, considering the “beating” he gave me and others in a post last week. No, I don’t. I may if I see a good reason, but the truth is that responding to him is a bit like debating a creationist. Sometimes one should, […]

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On Oversimplification and Certainty

Responses to requests, demands, and criticism in the blogosphere in recent months has prompted a great deal of discussion, most of it terribly unproductive. In fact, most of it has been downright silly – a childish back-and-forth which, to an outsider, might appear to be violent agreement. In other words, camps do not appear to […]

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