Reaching Out and Geeking Out

Dragon*Con is now just over three weeks away and the schedule is as solid as these things get, so I’m giving you the highlights as promised. I will be one BUSY Skeptic! [Edit: By the way, Dragon*Con will take place over Labor Day weekend, September 3rd through 6th.] For those who have not heard of […]


Is that a fallacy in your pocket or can you cite some sources? A response to Women and Feminism at TAM8

In my mini-review of The Amazing Meeting 8 I mentioned that there were two very dark spots in an otherwise amazing (sometimes the word just fits) weekend. I was not ready to discuss these in detail, but when I stumbled over this blog post by Blag Hag Jen McCreight, I felt that at least one […]


This Stuff is Not Easy!

Activism is not easy. It is a lot like teaching. We do not do it for the money. That would be crazy, since most of us actually pay for the privilege of being activists and teachers, well, let’s just say they’re under-appreciated. We do it because we love it. When a job is intrinsically rewarding, […]


Scientific Skepticism: A Tutorial

This post may sound condescending and perhaps it is. Self-righteousness is not my intention, but I am well aware that some may see it differently. The alternative is to keep my mouth shut and pretend that all is well.

All is not well.

I have been very disturbed by something that I have seen far too much of in the community recently. It is not new, but it was very salient right now and it broke my heart.
I feel that I must also acknowledge the fact that behavior in some arenas has left me angry, outraged, and even queasy.

But this post is about skeptics and skepticism.


While I Was Sleeping

In the weeks since I stopped posting regularly and while I was reconstructing last year’s posts, a lot of interesting things have happened.
