Resolving Conflicting Research Results: Vaccine Education is Tricky

Note: This post also appears on Insight, the official blog of the Skeptic Society. A few months ago I wrote about the psychology of vaccine denial. In the post I discussed two publications, one of which (

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The Psychology of Vaccine Denial and The New Anti-Intellectualism

I don’t know if this could really be called “new”, but it’s a form of anti-intellectualism that usually goes unnoticed. I find it particularly frustrating because I so often see it often among people who claim to respect knowledge, education, and expertise. It is an ironic lack of respect for that same knowledge, education, and […]

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A Personal History of Skepticism

This is an updated version of a post that originally appeared on the Woo Fighters website in 2010. In what is now considered “the golden days” of skepticism, I experienced first-hand the power of grass roots activism. I will never know if or how my view of the world would differ if I had never […]

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Is Your Fitbit Crap?

Let me cut to the chase: No. Full disclosure: I own a Fitbit Flex™. I haven’t worn it in months, but I do like the thing. It’s a long, boring, irrelevant story why I’m not wearing it, so I won’t get into that. Just know that I am sincere when I say that I like […]

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Yuri Geller or Flimsy Construction? #bendgate

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard that some of the people who stood in line for hours to be the first to get an iPhone 6 Plus pulled those phones out of their pockets a day or two later to find them bent. If you haven’t, I suggest you go to […]

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