This Stuff is Not Easy!

Activism is not easy. It is a lot like teaching. We do not do it for the money. That would be crazy, since most of us actually pay for the privilege of being activists and teachers, well, let’s just say they’re under-appreciated. We do it because we love it. When a job is intrinsically rewarding, […]


Scientific Skepticism: A Tutorial

This post may sound condescending and perhaps it is. Self-righteousness is not my intention, but I am well aware that some may see it differently. The alternative is to keep my mouth shut and pretend that all is well.

All is not well.

I have been very disturbed by something that I have seen far too much of in the community recently. It is not new, but it was very salient right now and it broke my heart.
I feel that I must also acknowledge the fact that behavior in some arenas has left me angry, outraged, and even queasy.

But this post is about skeptics and skepticism.


The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine [NCCAM] Scam

Since health care reform has been in the news lately (wonder why?) and NCCAM has been popping up on the blogosphere, I thought it might be a good time to repost this one. Originally posted on February 16, 2009 NCCAM = National Scam Reading the blogs of others I have noticed that one entry often […]


BS for George Takei Fans and Consumers

George Takei is the newest spokesperson for Sharp, selling a product called “Quattron Quad Pixel Technology”. The product claims that the addition of a yellow filter enables the television to display “never-before-seen colors”.


Naughty Elmo Revisited
