Is Your Fitbit Crap?

Let me cut to the chase: No. Full disclosure: I own a Fitbit Flex™. I haven’t worn it in months, but I do like the thing. It’s a long, boring, irrelevant story why I’m not wearing it, so I won’t get into that. Just know that I am sincere when I say that I like […]

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The Logic of Causal Conclusions: How we know that fire burns, fertilizer helps plants grow, and vaccines prevent disease

I usually cringe when I read a comment by a skeptic arguing that “correlation does not prove causation”. Of course, it’s true that correlation does not prove causation. It’s even true that correlation does not always imply causation. There are many great examples of spurious correlations which demonstrate clearly just how silly it is to […]

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Yuri Geller or Flimsy Construction? #bendgate

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard that some of the people who stood in line for hours to be the first to get an iPhone 6 Plus pulled those phones out of their pockets a day or two later to find them bent. If you haven’t, I suggest you go to […]

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Teachers: Get Free Registration to The Amaz!ng Meeting with an Educator Grant

If you are not an educator, please help spread the word about this wonderful opportunity. If you ARE an educator, would you like to bring more skepticism and critical thinking into your classroom? Would you like to be inspired, energized, and informed? The Amaz!ng Meeting 2014 is a great place to meet other educators, gather […]

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When “Can’t you kids play nice?” is not enough: Feminists, Bloggers, and the Division of Skeptics

The following is a guest post by Wendy Hughes. Wendy is a resident of Southern California, a volunteer at CFI-LA and JREF, investigator with the Independent Investigations Group (IIG-West), and co-founder The Odds Must Be Crazy (featured on Skepicality). You can find Wendy on Twitter as @wendy91602. For over two years I have seen my […]

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