How Can We Promote Skepticism?
Posted March 25, 2009
In my email this morning I found a new eSkeptic, a newletter that I highly recommend for those who would like to keep up with the goings on at the Skeptic Society. The “lead story” is the publication of What Do I Do Next?: Leading Skeptics Discuss 105 Practical Ways to Promote Science and Advance Skepticism, the product of a panel discussion on ways that individuals can promote skepticism.
The 68 page “ebooklet”, edited by the panel’s brainchild, Junior Skeptic editor Daniel Loxton, can be downloaded in pdf or viewed online in a brief Quick Reference Guide form.
If reading is not on your calendar, I recommend listening to the original audio essay & interview with Daniel Loxton in episode #63 of the Skepticality podcast — the best skepticism-related podcast, IMO — available at their website, through the Skeptic Society website, or via subscription on iTunes.
If you like what you hear, the panel discussion, which was conducted at Dragon*Con last year, is available in episode #86. The panel included leaders in the movement such as James Randi, Lori Lipman Brown, and Benjamin Radford.
Finally, Skepticality’s latest episode (#98) includes another interview with Daniel Loxton.
1 Comment
Derek Colanduno on March 26th, 2009 at 04:52
Thank you for mentioning our show and, especially this project by Daniel Loxton!
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