How Can We Promote Skepticism?

Posted March 25, 2009

In my email this morning I found a new eSkeptic, a newletter that I highly recommend for those who would like to keep up with the goings on at the Skeptic Society. The “lead story” is the publication of What Do I Do Next?: Leading Skeptics Discuss 105 Practical Ways to Promote Science and Advance Skepticism, the product of a panel discussion on ways that individuals can promote skepticism.jrs-wdidn-cover-200wide

The 68 page “ebooklet”, edited by the panel’s brainchild, Junior Skeptic editor Daniel Loxton, can be downloaded in pdf or viewed online in a brief Quick Reference Guide form.

If reading is not on your calendar, I recommend listening to the original audio essay & interview with Daniel Loxton in episode #63 of the Skepticality podcast — the best skepticism-related podcast, IMO — available at their website, through the Skeptic Society website, or via subscription on iTunes.

If you like what you hear, the panel discussion, which was conducted at Dragon*Con last year, is available in episode #86. The panel included leaders in the movement such as James Randi, Lori Lipman Brown, and Benjamin Radford.

Finally, Skepticality’s latest episode (#98) includes another interview with Daniel Loxton.

1 Comment

Derek Colanduno on March 26th, 2009 at 04:52

Thank you for mentioning our show and, especially this project by Daniel Loxton!

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