A First Timer’s View of Dragon*Con: Part III

Posted September 17, 2009

Although I have covered the basics of my Dragon*Con experience (I will discuss the talks in other posts), I am certain that I failed to communicate the “feel” of it. So, here are some efforts of others who do a much better job.

The following three videos are the work of Kylie Sturgess and I really think she “gets” the Con — at least a Skeptic’s experience — rather well.

In her “Day Two” video, Kylie captures the photo fest on Friday night, much to my embarrassment. I do not remember saying anything other than “Everyone take pictures of Brian!”, but apparently I was obnoxious and loud. I can only hope that I am only that loopy when sleep-deprived. If not, I apologize to anyone and everyone who has been seen with me in the past or will be in the future.

Kylie also caught the parade prep, a talk by Ben Radford, and the Mystery Investigators Show put on by Richard Saunders and Rachael Dunlop.

This “Day Three” vid highlights George Hrab’s show and the Skepticism in the Classroom panel (from the end of the table at which we sat) in addition to a rather telling piece of “the Wedge Document” read by Matt Lowry during the “Darwin’s Bulldogs” panel.

There are also some good reviews of the convention:

  • Another first timer, Daniel Loxton, contrasts TAM with Dragon*Con in the latest eSkeptic.
  • Other first timer accounts include one from a science-based parent and another from a teacherninja that I met while covering the Skeptic Society’s table.
  • An account of one of my panels (BSG: The Last Half Hour or “They Really Frakked the Daggit!”) is fairly accurate although she left out bits of ridiculous arguments prompted by a “physicists major” whose offer to run the mic around the audience I was dumb enough to suggest we take. And, yes, I realize there is a possibility he’ll read this. I could be meaner — I could recount some of the things he said. For the record, though, I was not the person who asked what we are supposed to think about Lee’s future.
  • And, of course, there is a recap of the event from the Skeptrack & Podcasting directors, Derek & Swoopy in the latest edition of Skepticality.

1 Comment:

teacherninja on September 20th, 2009 at 12:24:
Always great to meet blogging friends in the real world! Thanks for all your round-ups.
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