First Year’s Archives
Due to problems moving the database which managed this blog from February of 2009 through January of 2010, I have reconstructed it and redirected the original URLs to the new pages. However, the archives are not organized in the new database.
You can find those posts here.
- Clever Dave
- Naughty Elmo
- Evil Toys Update
- Scaremongering, MMR Vaccines, and the Price of Freedom
- Got Water?
- This Just In
- Wakefield’s Fraud Ignored by U.S. Media
- A New Court Ruling, but Still No Wakefield
- Double-Standards & Justification in Political Decision-Making
- Skeptic’s Circle #105
- NCCAM = National Scam
- Correcting Misunderstandings of Evolution
- A Brief History of the Vaccine – Autism Panic
- Skeptic’s Circle #106
- A Note About Politics, Religion, & the Skeptical Blogosphere
- Something Stupid I Heard Today
- Something Stupid I Heard Today – 3/6/9
- Who Are the Politicians Here?
- Who Are the Politicians Here?
- Something Smart I Heard Today (Read, Actually)
- Elitist Bastards Sail With a New Swabbie
- Calling All Critical Thinkers
- Is Science Winning the Knowledge War?
- Everything We Know Is Science Knowledge
- Ben Goldacre Tells it Like it Is
- Mary Appears in Texas or Something Stupid I Read Today
- Death and Religious Coping: Not What You Might Think
- Mensa Shmensa
- How Can We Promote Skepticism?
- Keep Tabs on the Consequences of Jenny McCarthy’s Ignorance
- What I Find Offensive…
- Stoopyd email
- Misconceptions and Misteachings in Quantitative Research Methods
- Yummy Jesus
- B.S. in the Classroom: Effective Teaching or Superstition?
- The New York Times: A Prime Example of Poor Reporting
- Jim Carrey is a Moron
- B.S. for Christians, and I’m not talking about religion!
- B.S. for Scientists and Medical Practitioners
- Something Great I Encountered Today
- Skeptic’s Circle #110: the Calvinball Edition
- Breast Cancer Screening B.S.
- Oprah is a Moron
- An Open Letter to Oprah: Shout it From the Rooftops
- Religious Freedom or Child Abuse?
- Something Stupid I Heard Today: May 17, 2009
- Attention and Perception: Fun Camera Trick
- Tell Jenny What to Do!
- The 111st Skeptic’s Circle: While Supplies Last!
- B.S. for Type A Personalities: Visual Illusion B.S.
- Even More BS for AntiVaxxers: Homeopathic Alternatives
- Marmite Messiah and a Collection of Pareidolia
- Carnival of the Elitist Bastards Stops at ICBS
- Research Fraud and the Spread of Dangerous Woo
- Skeptic’s Circle #112
- Alternative “Medicine” is Mainstream?
- Superstition Kills
- More BS for Cancer Patients
- Headlines That Harm: Part 1
- Headlines That Harm: Part 2
- Propaganda That KILLS
- Carnival of the Elitist Bastards XIV is Underway
- Michael Jackson, Not Jesus?
- Something Stupid I Heard Today…
- Warning Signs: Bad Research Ahead
- Thumbs Up For The Amazing Meeting 7 and A Few Bits of Wisdom
- My Perfect Conference and What It Is NOT
- Open Mouth, Attempt to Remove Foot
- The Virgin Mary Appears (again) in a Tree in Ireland
- Science Doesn’t Know Everything…
- Chris Mooney is Not My Friend Anymore
- ERV is My Friend
- If this does not convince you that supersition kills…
- Beware the Spinal Trap by Simon Singh
- It’s the Process, Stupid!
- A First-Timer’s View of Dragon*Con: Part I
- A First-Timer’s View of Dragon*Con: Part II
- A First Timer’s View of Dragon*Con: Part III
- Are You a Synesthete?
- And the Team Player of the Year Award goes to…
- Parenting Bunk and Overgeneralization
- Darwin’s Bulldogs and the Rest of Dragon*Con
- Bill Maher is clearly skinning the cat in a unique fashion and telling some whopping lies
- Jesus Promotes the Grunge Look