Jesus Update: He Shops at Ikea. and Walmart.

Today the Huff Post Weird News section reports that a man in Glasgow, Scotland has seen the face of God (the savior, to be precise) in a bathroom door. Of an Ikea. My last report on sightings of Our Lord and Savior was about 7 months ago, so I thought it was time for an […]

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A Personal History of Skepticism

This is an updated version of a post that originally appeared on the Woo Fighters website in 2010. In what is now considered “the golden days” of skepticism, I experienced first-hand the power of grass roots activism. I will never know if or how my view of the world would differ if I had never […]

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Jesus Here, Jesus There, Jesus, Jesus Everywhere

Those who read this blog in its early days know of my love for all things pareidolia. If you don’t know what pareidolia is, that last link (this one) covers the definition. I have also written an classroom ‘module’ for the JREF on the topic. It can be downloaded for free here (the pdf is […]

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Teachers: Get Free Registration to The Amaz!ng Meeting with an Educator Grant

If you are not an educator, please help spread the word about this wonderful opportunity. If you ARE an educator, would you like to bring more skepticism and critical thinking into your classroom? Would you like to be inspired, energized, and informed? The Amaz!ng Meeting 2014 is a great place to meet other educators, gather […]

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Wrap Your Brain Around Monty Hall

NOTE: this post also appears on the wonderful site about crazy coincidence, I have always been amused and intrigued by responses to “The Monty Hall Problem”, especially when I talk about it to audiences with a high concentration of engineers and mathematicians. If you are familiar with it, but you’ve always struggled with an […]

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